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DIY Watercolor Plates

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White plates are my favorite dishware staple and we use them every day, but with this technique, you can create beautiful DIY watercolor plates that will add a pop of color to your dishware collection! You can also add this charming look to bowls, cups, platters, etc.

Use any color of paint to go with your theme and get your craft on because these were extremely fun to make! We used porcelain paint with a paint thinner on oven-safe porcelain plates as the foundation for the look.

Blue watercolor plates overhead.

Then we used brushes, droppers, and sticks to make them look like watercolor! Abstract art at its best! Once they are baked, you can wash them in the dishwasher and they’re safe to use!

Watercolor plates overhead.

DIY Watercolor Plate Supplies

Water-based porcelain paint.

Pebeo Paint in turquoise, blue, gold and a thinner. BUT they’re not all food safe, so do your own research on what is food safe and what’s not.

Porcelain oven-safe plates

Paint rushes

Small glass jars for mixing.

Turquoise watercolor plates

DIY Watercolor Plate Directions

  • Add a small amount of color into each glass jar.
  • Add in the thinner until you reach a watercolor consistency.
  • Mix using a wooden stick or spoon.
white plate with colored paint in small jars.
  • Using a dropper and brushes, drop the paint onto a clean plate. Swirl, brush, dot… use whatever technique you want to achieve your desired look!
blue, gold and turquoise paint in jars with wooden stir sticks.
  • Let the plates dry for 24 hours.
  • Once the paint is dry (24 hours later), bake for 35 minutes in a 300-degree oven.
Seven blue and gold watercolor plates on a white background.
  • They will be fully cured and ready to use. Also, your DIY watercolor plates will be microwave and dishwasher safe!
Watercolor plates with blue and turquoise paints.

Watercolor Plate Variations

If you’re worried about the paint being safe to eat off of after it’s cured, you can also try a different method. Instead of white plates, purchaeclear plates and create the watercolor pattern on the back/bottom of the plate. Then turn it around to see the design through the top.

Close up picture of watercolor paint on white plate.

You’ll be eating off of the clear, unpainted side. Here is a good tutorial for that method.

You can also use the paints on mugs and vases too.

More DIY Craft Projects You’ll Love!

Let us know if you make these plates! We love to see what you create, so tag us @sugarandcharm on social!

17 thoughts on “DIY Watercolor Plates”

  1. Hi, I’m having a really hard time getting my paint to look similar to yours. I LOVE the look that you painted but I can’t get mine anywhere near that. If I put in some paint thinner it acts like it wants to separate. HELP, I really love these and would love to put them in my new house. Any suggestions welcome. Do you want to come paint for me?

  2. Looking for dishes – having trouble finding a nice set that will go in the oven above 250 degrees. Can the plates be cured at 250 for a longer time?

  3. Love them. Planning on doing this with our class for a school fundraiser art auction. Wondering how far the paint goes – as in how much should I buy? Trying to keep cost down (not overbuy) but have enough for each student to create a plate. Thanks for the beautiful idea!

  4. Hi, I’ve just been trying this with Marabu paints and some white spirit – but I’m having trouble getting the beautiful kinds of affects you’re getting here – yours look just like water colours bleeding into one another, mine aren’t very vibrant and don’t seem to want to play with each other – any suggestions?

    • Hi Morgan! We linked to it in the post. We found it at Amazon. I just recommend doing your own research on food safety! You can always to the outside of plates and mugs too 🙂

  5. Hi… These look beautiful…. I want to try this. I had a query.
    Are these plates glazed and baked already or they are raw porcelain plates?

  6. Hi here, I think these are gourgous. I do want to warn you though that the Pebeo paints state on them that they shouldn’t be used on food or drink surfaces. They haven’t been tested for safety. 🙁 I wish they were though. I love using them!

  7. hahaha, i’m at work and just said, NO WAY! really loud! this is so awesome, wow a world of possibilities!!! thanks!!!!!


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