How to Make The Best Fruit and Cheese Platter

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Everything you need to know for making a fantastic fruit and cheese platter! Cheese and fruit platters are a great way to wow guests while feeding them universally loved food items. They’re easy to assemble, look beautiful, and are perfect to serve any time of the year!

When it comes to easy entertaining, nothing is more accessible than a fruit and cheese platter! They offer something for everyone to enjoy while keeping it light, seasonal, and fresh. Whether you are looking for a light snack or a hearty meal, a fruit and cheese platter is a great option.

Beautiful fruit and cheese platter with fresh sliced fruit cheese and nuts.

Serve this platter at simple wine and cheese gatherings, birthday partiesbaby showerspool parties, graduation partiesgarden parties, or a fall charcuterie gathering. The ideas for serving fruit and cheese platters are endless.

If you want to impress your guests at your next party, then you need to make this colorful platter! This is the perfect appetizer for any occasion and is easy to make.

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about making this gorgeous fruit and cheese platter, answer frequently asked questions, and share our expert tips for recipe success!

Be sure to check out how to make the prettiest fruit platter and the best fruit dip as well as our complete guide on making a cheese platter.

Strawberries, apples, black berries, peaches, grapes, and cheese on a table.

How To Make A Fruit and Cheese Platter

Prep Ingredients

Choose 3-4 different types of cheese. Cut them into different shapes if needed. We like cubes, triangles, slices, etc.

Wash, slice, and chop any fruit you add to the platter. We suggest using a fruit and vegetable wash to clean the fruit. Then pat it dry or let it sit on a paper towel to dry.

Add honey, dips, and sauces into small bowls.

Platter and Bowls

When you start planning your platter, put the larger items down first. If you have items in containers or bowls, those should take priority. 

Three types of cheese on a platter.


You want to use a variety of cheeses on your platter. Variety comes in the form of hardsoft, and semi-soft cheeses. Also aged and new

Along with the texture, you want to buy cheese from different sources. So add one cow’s milksheep’s milk, and goat’s milk cheeses.

Next, add the different cheeses to the platter. Put the cheese in different corners of the platter. Add a cheese knife by each selection and a cheese sign so your flavors don’t get mixed. 

Grapes, cheese and strawberries on a round platter.

Add the Fruit + Nuts

You’ll then want to add in your larger fruit items like grapes first. Then, fill in the empty spaces with your small fruits, nuts, and other things. Finish off your fruit and cheese platter with some garnish, like fresh herbs and edible flowers.

Color contrasts, such as green pears and red grapes, add visual variety and beauty to your platter. Geometric shapes, such as rectangular crackers and round cheese wheels, also add visual interest. 

An overflowing board will also look more appealing than a sparse one.

As your guests eat through your fruits and cheeses, you can always add more other items to fill in the gaps. 

A platter filled with sliced cheese and fresh fruit.

If you don’t have room for crackers, arrange the crackers and bread near the cheese on a separate plate. As you’re laying out your platter, use those items sparingly.

Tips for making a fruit and cheese plate include:

  • Bring your cheese to room temperature
  • Serve with small cheese spoons and knives
  • Ensure there are at least three ounces of cheese for each guest
  • Serve different shapes, sizes, and types of cheese 

A fruit and cheese platter is a simple dish you can make to entertain your guests effortlessly. It doesn’t take much time to create, and everyone loves them!

Best Fruits

When picking out fruit, use seasonal produce to make a fresh platter. Some of the best fruit for a fruit and cheese platter includes:


Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are great fruit to pair with cheese because they are sweet and have a slightly tart flavor. This pairs well with the salty flavor of the cheese.


Cherries are a fruit that has a sweet and slightly tart flavor. They are often described as tasting like a cross between an apple and a strawberry. They add a pop of color to the platter too.

Purple and Green Grapes

A great fruit to pair with cheese because they have a sweet and crisp flavor. This pairs well with the creamy texture of cheese.


A fruit that has a sweet and refreshing flavor. Melons are often described as tasting like a cross between a cucumber and a cantaloupe. Melons are a great fruit to add to a fruit and cheese platter because of their sweetness and refreshing flavor.

Sliced fruit on a fruit platter with goat cheese.


A fruit that has a sweet and slightly grainy texture. Peaches often taste like a cross between a nectarine and a plum. They’re a great fruit to add to a fruit and cheese platter because of their sweetness and slightly grainy texture.


Pears are a great fruit to pair with cheese because they are sweet and slightly grainy; this pairs well with the creamy texture.


Plums are a great fruit to pair with cheese because they have a sweet and tart flavor. This pairs well with the salty flavor of the cheese.


Kiwi fruit is a great fruit to pair with cheese because it is sweet and has a slightly acidic flavor. This pairs well with the creamy texture of cheese.


A tropical fruit that has a sweet and slightly acidic flavor. Pineapples often taste like a cross between an apple and a citrus fruit. Pineapples are a great fruit to add to a fruit and cheese platter because of their sweetness, and they’re slightly acidic.


Mango is a fruit that has a sweet and slightly spicy flavor. They often taste like a cross between a peach and a pineapple. Mangoes are great to add to a fruit and cheese platter because of their sweetness and slightly spicy flavor.

Stone Fruits

Apricots, nectarines, and figs are a great fruit to pair with cheese because they are sweet and slightly chewy.

Passion Fruit

This is a great fruit to pair with cheese because it is sweet and has a slightly acidic flavor.

Citrus Fruit

Add acidity to the platter with citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and lemons. Dehydrated citrus adds more color and texture to the platter.


These are a great fruit to pair with cheese because they are sweet and have a slightly grainy texture.

Categories and Types of Cheese

There are many different kinds of cheese to choose from. You can check your grocery store’s deli department when shopping for cheese. This usually is where you’ll find specialty cheese. However, if you have a local cheese shop, that’s the best place to get incredible cheese.

Seven Categories of Cheese:

Fresh Cheese – A type of cheese that has not been aged. Fresh cheese includes: Feta, Ricotta, Goat cheese, Brie, Camembert, and Cream cheese.

Soft Cheese РA type of cheese aged for less than two months. Soft cheese includes Brie, Camembert, Chevr̩, Roquefort, and Gorgonzola.

Semi-soft Cheese – Cheese that has been aged for two to six months. Semi-soft cheese includes: Havarti, Muenster, Port Salut, and Provolone.

Hard Cheese – A type of cheese that has been aged for more than two months. Hard cheese includes: Cheddar, Parmesan, Asiago and Gruyere.

Blue Cheese – A type of cheese that has been inoculated with mold. The mold gives blue cheese its characteristic blue veining. Blue cheese includes: Gorgonzola, Roquefort and Stilton.

Washed Rind Cheese – Washed rind cheese is a type of cheese that has been washed in brine or wine. The washing gives the cheese its characteristic pungent flavor. Washed rind cheese includes: Taleggio, Limburger, and Epoisses.

Bloomy Rind Cheese РThis type of cheese has a white fuzzy mold on the surface. The mold gives the cheese its characteristic creamy flavor. Bloomy rind cheese includes Brie, Camembert, and Chevr̩.

Whipped Ricotta Cheese – You can also serve it with our whipped ricotta which goes well with crackers and fruit.

Each of these cheeses has a different texture and flavor. You can choose any of these cheeses for your fruit and cheese platter.

Candied walnuts next to red raspberries.

More Items to Add to a Fruit and Cheese Board

You don’t have to limit yourself to just your favorite fruit and cheese on your platter. There are different ways you can elevate your platter with additional food items. 

Some of our favorite things we like to add to a charcuterie board include:

  • Bread: Thin, crunchy breadsticks are a fun addition. Serve some crusty bread on the side too.
  • Nuts: Cashews, almonds, and pistachios are great options.
  • Crackers: Pita, multi-grain, and club crackers add a bit of crunch. Pretzels are a great choice too.
  • Honey: Add a little flavor and sweetness. Add the entire honeycomb if possible.
  • Dark Chocolate: You can’t go wrong with a bit of chocolate. This sweet item will complement the fruit and cheese.
  • Jam: Pepper jam or a fig spread is a nice touch.
  • Green Olives: If you’re olive-obsessed like we are, add some green olives to the board.
  • Fresh Herbs: Add color and fragrance with fresh herbs.
  • Edible Flowers: Flowers are another great way to add texture and color to the board.
  • Dried fruit is another excellent addition to your cheese board for your next dinner party. In addition to giving your guests a pop of flavor, they’ll also add spots of vibrant color to your cheese board. We love adding dehydrated oranges to our platters.

Our favorite types of dried fruits to add are:

  • Dates
  • Dried cherries
  • Dried apricots
  • Pineapple
  • Raisins

You can find a wide selection of dried fruits at nearby grocery stores. 

Sliced kiwi, strawberries, oranges, peaches, blackberries and pears.

Fruits and Cheese Pairing

Fresh fruit and cheese are a classic pairing, but how do you know where to begin? Certain combinations accentuate the flavors of the ingredients chosen. 

1. Feta and Watermelon

Watermelon and feta make the perfect summer pairing. The saltiness of the feta goes swimmingly with the watermelon’s freshness

2. Brie and Pears 

Brie cheese and pears are a well-known combination. You can top this flavoring pairing with candied pecans for an added crunch. 

3. Burrata and Peaches

Burrata is a chunk of fresh mozzarella that gets filled with mozzarella chunks and cream. Peaches and burrata are a sophisticated and unexpected combination. 

4. Cream Cheese and Raspberries

Raspberries and cream cheese are one of the most popular combinations for cheesecake. Most people don’t realize that it makes a delicious combo for a fruit and cheese platter. 

5. Cheddar and Apple

An apple’s sweetness pairs wonderfully with cheddar cheese’s sharpness. It’s a classic combination that you can’t go wrong with. 

6. Goat Cheese and Mangos

Mangos and goat cheese might seem like an unlikely combination. However, juicy mango and creamy goat cheese make for a delectable bite and addition to your platter. 

Brie cheese with candied walnuts, grapes, pears, raspberries and sliced kiwis.

How to Store a Fruit and Cheese Platter

While it takes just a few minutes to make a cheese and fruit platter, you can put it together ahead of time. Remember that you’ll want to wait to put crunchy items, like nuts or crackers, on the platter. That’s because they can get soggy. 

You can assemble the rest of the items one day before your event. You can wrap the platter in plastic wrap and keep it in the fridge.

Best Cheese for Kids

If you are making a fruit and cheese platter for kids, then you will want to choose milder cheeses. Some cheeses are better suited for kids than others. Some of the best cheeses for kids include:

  • String Cheese
  • Gouda
  • Cheddar
  • Provolone

These cheeses are mild and have a subtle flavor. They will be sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

What to Serve a Fruit and Cheese Platter On

You can serve a fruit and cheese platter on a variety of different surfaces. Some great options include:

  • Wooden Cutting Board
  • Large Marble Platter
  • Slate Surface
  • Classic Round or Oval Platter

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does a Fruit and Cheese Platter Last?

As we mentioned earlier, letting your cheeses get to room temperature is key. That’s because cheeses at room temperature are more flavorful. 

However, you shouldn’t have your cheese platter out of the fridge for more than four hours. High-moisture, soft cheeses will look bad if they’ve been sitting out for longer than that. Hard cheeses might begin to dry out along the edges. 

Additionally, bacteria can start to form on the cheese if left out for too long. If your cheese board includes dairy-based spreads or dips, you shouldn’t leave it out for more than two hours. 

Party appetizers on a platter filled with berries, fruit and cheese.
How Much Cheese Per Guest?

A general rule of thumb is allowing 3 ounces of cheese per person. This will ensure that your guests have plenty to enjoy without being overloaded. If you’re serving a cheese platter for dinner, have 5 ounces per guest and double the number of crackers.

What Is a Board With Cheese and Fruit Called?

Another term for a cheese and fruit platter is a charcuterie board. Charcuterie boards can sometimes feature meat, like salami. Charcuterie comes from the French words “chair” and “cuit.” In French, “chair” means “flesh,” and “cuit” means cooked. 

Are Cheese and Fruit a Good Combination?

Cheese and fruit go very well together. You can pair them together in endless combinations for the perfect cheese board. 

What Else Goes on a Fruit and Cheese Platter Besides Fruit and Cheese?

In addition to the items we discussed earlier, you can add the following things to your fruit and cheese platter:
Bacon jam
Sour cherry preserves 

What is the best way to cut fruit for a fruit and cheese platter?

When cutting fruit for a fruit and cheese platter, you want to make sure that the fruit is bite-sized. This will make it easy for your guests to eat. You also want to make sure that you cut the fruit into even pieces so that each piece of fruit has an equal amount of cheese.

Do strawberries go with cheese?

YES! Strawberries, brie cheese, and a touch of honey are heavenly combinations. The sweetness of the fruit pairs perfectly with the creamy cheese.

are the most popular choice to pair with pineapple for fruit and cheese platters, you can really use any type of cheese that you like.

Which cheese goes with pineapple?

Swiss gruyere and aged cheddars are the most popular choice to pair with pineapple for fruit and cheese platters, you can use any cheese you like.

How to make a fruit and cheese platter with berries, honey and brie cheese.

When to Serve a Fruit and Cheese Platter

A fruit and cheese platter is the perfect appetizer for any occasion. It can be served at a casual get-together or a formal event. It is also a great addition to a charcuterie board. Here are some special occasions or gatherings you can serve a fruit and cheese platter:

Drinks to Serve with a Cheese and Fruit Platter

There are a variety of drinks that pair well with a cheese and fruit platter. Some great options include:

You can also serve a variety of wines such as Red wine, Sauvignon blanc, and Pinot Grigio.

Check out our types of wine chart to learn more about the best wine to serve with fruit and cheese.

More Meat, Fruit, and Cheese Platter Ideas

Here are a few more of our favorite appetizer boards:

Halloween Charcuterie Board

Thanksgiving Appetizer Platter

Southern Charcuterie Platter

Christmas Appetizer Board for Kids

Dessert Charcuterie Board

Christmas Dessert Board

Caviar Platter

Let us know what you think!

Now that you have all of the fruit and cheese platter ideas you need, you’re ready to make your own platter!

Please leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts! Tag us on social so we can see what you make.

You can also FOLLOW US on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and PINTEREST to see more delicious recipes, cocktails, desserts, and parties!

Fruit and cheese platter with fresh strawberries, kiwi, oranges, and more fruit.

Fruit and Cheese Platter

Create a stunning fruit and cheese platter to serve at your next party! Perfect to serve anytime of the year and easy to make.
5 from 7 votes
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Course: Appetizer
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 8 Guests
Calories: 595kcal
Author: Eden


Choose a Variety of Cheese

  • 4 ounces goat cheese, or any soft cheese
  • 8 ounces brie cheese, or any similar creamy cheese
  • 8 ounces aged cheddar, or any aged cheese

Choose a Variety of Fruit

  • 1 lb grapes, red or green grapes
  • 3 kiwi, sliced
  • 1 large orange, sliced
  • 4 ounces blueberries
  • 4 ounces blackberries
  • 4 ounces raspberries
  • 4 ounces strawberries, slice the tops off
  • 1 pear, sliced

Nuts, Dried Fruit + Honey

  • 4 ounces candied walnuts, or candied pecans
  • 4 tbsp honey , with honeycomb if possible
  • 3 ounces dried fruit, strawberries, orange slices, etc.

Bread and Crackers

  • 6 ounces crackers, or crusty bread


  • Choose 3-4 different types of cheese. Cut them into different shapes if needed. We like cubes, triangles, slices, etc. 
  • Wash, slice, and chop any fruit you’ll be adding to the platter.
  • Add honey, dips, and sauces into small bowls.
  • Add the different cheeses to the platter. Put the cheese in different corners of the platter. Add a cheese knife to each selection and a cheese sign so your flavors don’t get mixed. 
    cheese on a platter
  • Add in the larger fruit items like grapes first.
    grapes and cheese on a round platter
  • Then, fill in the empty spaces with your small fruits, nuts, and other things. Finish off your fruit and cheese platter with some garnish, like fresh herbs and edible flowers.
    how to make a fruit and cheese platter
  • Add the crackers on the platter or on a separate plate near.



This is a guide to making a fruit and cheese platter. You can pick any cheese and fruit you want to include on your platter. 
We recommend using seasonal fruit when possible.
We also recommend that you pick 3 different types of cheeses that vary in texture.


Calories: 595kcal | Carbohydrates: 63g | Protein: 20g | Fat: 31g | Saturated Fat: 14g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 3g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 63mg | Sodium: 672mg | Potassium: 492mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 40g | Vitamin A: 768IU | Vitamin C: 57mg | Calcium: 371mg | Iron: 3mg
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how to make a fruit and cheese platter

3 thoughts on “How to Make The Best Fruit and Cheese Platter”

  1. 5 stars
    Delicious!! I could live off of this fruit and cheese platter. So good! I love the fruit and cheese pairings you recommend, it’s so helpful. My favorite cheeses for cheese platters is brie, a very sharp cheddar, dubliner cheese, and sometimes a package of Boursin cheese. Yum!

  2. 5 stars
    Thank you so much for these tips, I made a beautiful platter for our party over the weekend! I wish I took a picture, it was amazing.

  3. 5 stars
    Thank you so much! I was able to put together the perfect appetizer to take to a cookout and everyone was blown away!

5 from 7 votes (4 ratings without comment)

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