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Making Flavorful Infused Sugar – Complete Step-by-Step Guide

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Infusing sugar is one of the easiest things to make and can add flavor and charm to recipes. The wonderful uses of infused sugars are endless! Learn how to make make your own with our step-by-step tutorial and how-to video!

I love the idea of infusing sugar! You can use the citrus or lavender sugar in a pound cake or sugar cookie recipe to add a hint of flavor or simply place a teaspoon in your coffee (think espresso bean-infused!) or when mixing a cocktail.

It can also be used to garnish the glass rim of some fresh-squeezed lemonade or another delicious drink!

Three bottles of infused vanilla sugar with lavender.

The sugars make wonderful gifts and for a special touch, attach your favorite recipe that the sugar would compliment. Any type of citrus zest, vanilla bean, or herb will work perfectly. Read below to find the secret to infusing sugar ; )

Infusing Sugars (Step by Step)


Sugar – Cane or Coconut will both work

Air Tight Glass Containers

A zester

Ribbon and Twine to Garnish the bottles.

Herbs, Dried Flowers, Citrus, or whatever you use to infuse the sugar.

Two jars filled with infused vanilla sugar


  • Zest the fruit you want to use to give your sugar a touch of flavor. Leave it out overnight to dry COMPLETELY, especially if you’re using fruit!
  • Layer the sugar and the zest in a glass container. When you reach the top, add some extra zest for color.
  • Let the sugar sit for at least one week before you use it, or hand them out as a favor. This will give the sugar optimal flavor!
  • If you use lavender or espresso beans, you can remove them by straining the infused sugar into a separate bowl before using it in a recipe or coffee. Or you can grind the beans and lavender to a super fine consistency and leave them in the sugar!
infused granulated sugar with different flavors in a container

Flavor Ideas to Add to Sugar

Here is a list of some flavors you can easily add to infuse sugar:

  • Dried Flowers – Rose Petals, Lavender, Hibiscus (will make pink sugar!)
  • Vanilla Bean
  • Espresso
  • Spices – Cinnamon, Cayenne, Allspice, Cardamom – use any spice to add a kick to the sugar!
  • Dried Herbs – Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano… the endless possibilities with dried herbs.
  • Ginger

Check Out These Other Delicious Dessert Recipes

If you have tried on how to infuse sugar, please rate it and let me know how it turned out in the comments below!

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32 thoughts on “Making Flavorful Infused Sugar – Complete Step-by-Step Guide”

  1. Hello,
    I’m preparing a post on home made Xmas presents and I would like very much to have this suggestion of your shared on my post. Can I have a foto and the link to your post on Girls Just Like Us.
    Thank you,

  2. I love this idea and am planning on making lavender infused sugar for my upcoming wedding. Can you please tell me where you purchased these jars and what size the jars are? Thanks so much!

  3. Thanks for the great idea. This is the first year I have my own lavender to harvest so it will be fun to make my own infused lavender sugar.
    Have a great day!

    • Hi! I actually didn’t make one with coffee beans… It was just an idea and I think it would be awesome! I would just grind the beans and then place a layer on top of the sugar, like the pictures above. I don’t think you need to measure. Have fun!

  4. I am thinking of doing these as wedding favors. Glass Ball Mason jars are a bit cheaper than the jars pictured here. Do you think that would work and do you need to sterilize the jars first?


  5. Ooh, yum. I was just laying in bed this morning, looking at the dried lavender in my window from last year, thinking this year I’ve got to do something more useful with it!

  6. Me again! I just selected you for the Versatile Bloggers Award. Check out my post for details ๐Ÿ˜‰



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